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About: About

Hi, I'm Annie

Hello Everyone! I am 15 years old (can't wait to drive) and am in 10th grade. I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would ever start blogging, but here I am and LOVING it! I know some of you have already experienced high school, and some of you might be in school now. Wherever you are in life, I hope that I can relate to you.

The Roots

How Did Teen Blogger Start?

I have never been much of a writer. My words become scrambled and I am unsure of what to share with the world. I have decided to start Teen Blogger to break out of my comfort zone and share my experiences with you. I can not promise my writing will be perfect, but I can tell you it will be 100% honest. As a teen in 2020, I am excited to share with you my experiences and other insights. I hope that my blog will be helpful for you, and if not, it will at least be entertaining. If you enjoy what I have to say, please share it with your friends!

A Little About Me

  • My favorite food is definitely pizza. How can you not LOVE pizza? It is literally the best food in the world.

  • I like fashion and makeup. I wouldn't consider myself great at either, but I have a passion for them. I love being able to express myself in different ways.

  • My favorite class in school is probably art. I just love how I can be creative and express myself!

  • I run on the Track and XC team at my school! I love running!

  • I am not much of a traveler. I prefer staying home and hanging out with friends.

  • I am currently participating in online schooling due to the pandemic.

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